1. HF QRP with KC9RG - https://cromwell-intl.com/radio/hfqrp.html

2. CR Products - https://crkits.com/

3. Introduction to UV-K5 HF Fullband receive Version 0.3 (Це ознайомлення з мікропрограмою 0.3HF повнодіапазонного прийому UV-K5 HF з використанням SI4732-A10) - http://www.hamskey.com/2024/02/introduction-to-uv-k5-hf-fullband.html

4. Ham Radio Logging Software On Linux - https://www.hamradiosecrets.com/ham-radio-logging-software.html

5. N5DUX Ham Radio PDFs - https://www.n5dux.com/ham/files/pdf/index.php

** The Five-Watt QRP Movement in the US, 1968-1981 2021 - https://www.n5dux.com/ham/files/pdf/QRP%20History%20-%20The%20Five-Watt%20QRP%20Movement%201968-1981.pdf

73 de UT2AB